
  • Electric bike shop charges in to Bramley

    A NEW electric bike shop has opened in Bramley. Customers were welcomed through the doors of Surge Bikes, in Cufaude Lane, on May 1, when the retail unit was launched by Cooke Components, which trades, imports and exports bicycles, components and

  • Foster takes a double podium at Croft

    ODIHAM racing driver Louis Foster battled through varying weather conditions to claim two podiums at Croft to bring home another strong haul of championship points in the latest rounds of the British Formula Four title fight. Foster was unable to

  • Council push to help clear the air with idling drivers

    THE council is cracking down on idling drivers today. As a part of Clean Air Day today, (June 20), Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) officers and volunteers will be hitting the streets on the national awareness day in a bid to move the

  • GALLERY: All the fun of the fair for the community

    FAMILIES enjoyed all the fun of the fair in Winklebury last weekend. Held at the Winklebury Infant School, there was a whole host of stalls and activities taking place around the event. Visitors were able to have a go at zorbing, laser shooting

  • ARK DAY: Hospital team to cycle in memory of dear colleague

    HOSPITAL staff will be using pedal power to honour the memory of a much-loved friend and colleague. As part of Ark Day tomorrow (Friday), employees at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT), which runs Basingstoke hospital, will be cycling

  • ARK DAY: Volunteers to be out in force at shopping centre

    AN ARMY of volunteer supporters will be playing a key role on Ark Day as they collect donations in Festival Place. A key part of Friday will be a charity collection in Festival Place from 10am to 4pm. Ark Cancer Centre Charity supporters will

  • PREVIEW: Actress standing up for the ‘invisible women’

    HAVING spent the early part of her working career in teaching, Debbie Bird decided to take the plunge and follow her dream of acting. After going through drama school, it was her final project for her MA which sparked the inspiration for her one

  • FLASHBACK THURSDAY: Stories of the 1990s across Basingstoke

    This week we look back at the nineties. In 1990, few people had heard of the red-headed local DJ Chris Evans, nor The Spice Girls while and Noel's House Party was big on Saturday nights. Here is a look back into the Gazette archive of the 90s

  • Hampshire head to Hartley

    HARTLEY Wintney Cricket Club will play host to the Hampshire county team in the annual charity T20 match on the historic cricket green on Friday, June 28. It is one of the highlights of the local social and sporting calendar as Hampshire always

  • Area's history remembered at exhibition

    A CENTURY-and-a-half’s worth of history has been on display in a Hartley Wintney church. The history of St John’s Church was put on show for the public as a part of the Fringe Festival that took place across the village throughout last week.

  • Woman rescued from burning building

    A WOMAN was rescued from a burning building in Black Dam in the early hours of this morning. Firefighters were called to a home in Park Gardens at 1.16am this morning (June 20) to reports of a fire. The fire had spread to endanger three flats

  • Two safes stolen as trio of churches targeted in two days

    CHURCHES in Popley and Chineham have been rocked after thieves targeted three different buildings in two days. St Gabriel’s Church, in Tewkesbury Close, was broken into in the early hours of the morning of Thursday last week. The thieves damaged

  • Two more added to the Herd

    THE Basingstoke Bison have made a double swoop this week, with the re-signing of forward Paul Petts and the signing of defenceman Ollie Stone from Milton Keynes Thunder. Petts, a product of the Bison junior programme is back for a third season with