WORK appears to be underway to check the safety of a Basingstoke block of flats where a windowpane fell out and smashed on the floor right outside the entrance.

As previously reported, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) confirmed that the incident on March 28, whereby the window fell from the seventh floor of Churchill Place, has been officially reported.

Scaffolding has now been put up around the entrance to the town centre building and a path around the side of the building is fenced off. 

A resident said the company responsible for the management of the building – Haus Block Management – is checking the safety of the other windows while also trying to determine how the window fell out.

READ MORE: Churchill Place incident reported to Building Safety Regulator

Basingstoke Gazette: Scaffolding has been put up around Churchill PlaceLorraine Dowell, 71, who recently moved into Churchill Place, said: “They do seem to be acting. They have had people up in cradles and they have put up scaffolding. I know it’s being addressed and they are investigating the rest of the building.

“Eventually the missing window will be replaced but I think before they do that, they are checking everything else. It’s a little worrying that it happened.”

Concerns were raised that the incident on March 28 was not the first time a window has fallen from Churchill Place, with a second pane on another side of the building also boarded up.

The Gazette has asked Haus Block Management for further information but its managing director, Gareth Martin, said it has a company wide policy “not to engage with the press”.

SEE ALSO: Investigation to launch after window falls from Basingstoke block of flats

He previously told the Gazette that an investigation will set out to “establish the cause of the problem”.

He added: “Keep in mind, we did not build this property and until someone appropriately qualified has conducted a programme of works, we are not able to comment on the likely cause.”

He said steps had been taken to “mitigate the risk, investigate to establish the cause, and then devise and implement a strategy to rectify the problem”.