RESIDENTS in Basingstoke have expressed concern about a drain leak that is leading to water spilling across a road in the town.

Residents reported the issues at around 11am on Thurdsay, July 6, and when The Gazette visited the area affected near Thornycroft Roundabout, the amount of water spilling onto the road from a nearby drain cover was evident.

The water is running from a drain cover in the central reserve between the A3010 next to Wickes store, near Morrisions,  and is running along the road to a drain cover near to the pedestrian crossing to cross the A3010.

READ MORE: Residents blamed for overflowing bins not being collected for weeks

Vast amounts of water are evident across the road, with it puddling towards the kerb on the lower side of the road. Water can be seen in the video below rising out of the ground, and from here running to the road.

A Hampshire County Council spokesperson said: “We are aware of the issue of water on Churchill Road which has been inspected by an engineer and a report was made to the water company.

"The engineer will follow-up with a further inspection to assess the latest situation. We encourage people to report any flood and water issues to the County Council via our online Report a flooding or drainage problem form.”

South East Water has been contacted for comments.