INVESTIGATIVE works have been carried out on a road in Overton after water covering the road has made it dangerous for pedestrians. 

As previously reported, water has been seeping across the footpath and a portion of Station Road for a number of months. 

The water on Station Road has been rising out of one of the drain covers on the footpath, before running along the footpath and into the road. Over time, the water has caused the footpath and road to become slippery, particularly when walking or cycling through the area.

Most recently, 90-year-old grandmother Margaret Prouten was injured after slipping on the water. 

READ MORE: Overton residents report persistent water issues on Station Road

It is thought the issue on the road is due to the high water table in the area, which could be because water is now not being used as regularly and in such volume at Portals Mill.

A spokesperson for Hampshire County Council has now told Overton Parish Council: "We have established that the water is groundwater and believe the discharge onto the public highway to be caused by groundwater rebound following the cessation of the water extraction by the paper mill.

"We are undertaking CCTV and associated pipe jetting and cleansing work during the first week of July and we have been advised by the ditch landowner that they will carry out cleansing of the adjacent ditch which is their responsibility prior to our works.

SEE ALSO: Basingstoke cyclist falls due to water on Overton road

"We have instructed further survey works to establish various levels of the road, and footway including the surrounding land and water levels. We are also chasing BT for the results of their water ingress task.

"Upon receipt of all this information including the success of the ditch clearance HCC should be in a position to establish longer-term remedial actions and advise the likely timescale."