Every week and in every edition of the Gazette, we include community news from around Basingstoke and surrounding villages.


On the 1st June 2023, Chineham Library will be reverting to the standard policy of requiring all users to re-register their account at least every three years. If you have not re-registered an expired account before this date, you will no longer be able to use the self-service machines to borrow items. Furthermore, you may also lose access to some of the library’s digital library apps and be unable to use a public “go online“ computer.

Re-registering your account is said to be simple and free. To find out how to register go to https://bit.ly//3JD89ra.

You may not be aware that Christ Church Chineham host a number of local groups which are not directly connected to the church family. These include University of the Third Age, Basingstoke Theatrical Society, Bridge, Brownies, Chineham Board Gamers, Guides, Repair Café, Ooh Ma Ma! Choir, Reading Group and WI. The church team will happily provide more details about anything that you may be interested in.

Fiona Biermann



Tomorrow (Friday 31st), the children (and adults!) of the village will be kicking off the Easter Holidays with an egg hunt in St Leonard’s Churchyard. This will be preceded by stories, with hot cross buns and drinks. There will also be the chance to make a palm leaf, to wave on Palm Sunday.

Yes, there’s been a big and exciting build-up to Easter here in the village, which brings me on to a reminder about the Lent Project. Families are invited to draw a picture or card with an Easter or Spring theme, to give to those in our community who are in need of cheering up. There are just two days left to show someone you care! Please leave your pictures on the table at the back of St Leonard’s, or post through the door of number 22 Southlea.

The Easter Family Service will be held at 11.15am on Sunday 9th April. It’s a time for celebration and hope in the Christian calendar, so come and be uplifted. We are anticipating a number of families from both inside and outside Cliddesden to attend- all are welcome. Needless to say, there will be some yummy eggs up for grabs following the service.

Helen Walker


Hatch Warren and Beggarwood

The Patient Participation Group for the Camrose, Gilles, Hackwood and Beggarwood surgeries has published its latest newsletter. It reports that call waiting times are improving across the four surgeries but still need monitoring and reducing further. Feedback on the Dr IQ application is mixed, and the PPG is planning to offer volunteer help to patients who are struggling with it. The PPG is also planning to offer volunteer effort to tidy up the notice boards and help patients log in using the screens in reception.

The Church Parish of Basingstoke Down is advertising that its 'Messy Easter' event is open for booking. It is inviting residents to come to St Mark's School for games, craft, food, fun and the Easter story from 2.30pm to 4,30 pm on Saturday (1st April). Families and friends are welcome.

St Mark's School: On Thursday 30th March, the school is having a “French Culture Day”. They will be having a ‘Big French Breakfast’ to start the day. Bread, jam, cheese and hot chocolate will be served (allergies taken into account, too). Pupils are invited to wear non-uniform Red/White/Blue clothes.

Hatch Warren and Beggarwood Community Association is advertising its Summer Festival for Saturday 15th July. This is a date worth putting in our diaries as it is one of the major events of the year in our area. It is held on the Community Centre field from 12 midday to 4pm.

Pharmacist Closing: A reminder that the last trading day for the Lloyds pharmacy in Sainsbury's is 22nd April. They now have posters up in store to confirm this. If you regularly use that facility, it looks as if it is not being replaced. The nearest alternatives are at Beggarwood, two at Brighton Hill, and St Andrews Road.

Stephen Reid



The Kempshott Village Hall monthly quiz takes place on the first Wednesday of each month, which is this week. At 7.30pm for a modest fee, you can enter and it is this fee which has contributed to the fund raising which has enabled the Hall to be equipped with new stage curtains. The contribution by Councillor Stephen Reid is much appreciated. The village Hall Sunday market on the second Sunday of the month has also supported this particular endeavour. Kempshott Conservation Group’s working parties have now finished until the autumn but you are reminded that the AGM of Old Down and Beggarwood Wildlife Group is later in April on 27th and you would be most welcome.

Diana Manville



A reminder that from 1st May to 31st August this year you should put your bins out by 6am so the crews can start work earlier in the morning when it is cooler.

The earlier start, when the weather can be hotter, will reduce the risk of disruptions to bin collections caused by heat-related illnesses suffered by the crews.

Collections will return to 7am from 1st September to 30th April. Visit basingstoke.gov.uk/bins for more information.

Oakley Kids Easter Egg Hunt: Friday 7th April, 10.30am-2pm. Just follow the clues around Oakley! Download your answer sheet from ocaoakley.org.uk or pick up a sheet on the day from OCA table in Barley Mow car park. Claim your Easter treat from the OCA table in Barley Mow car park before 2pm on the day.

Oakley & Deane WI are holding a Jumble Sale on Saturday 15th April at 1.45pm at East Oakley Village hall (the Green Hut), Hill Road, Oakley. Entrance fee 50p for adults. Books and toys, clothes and linens, Bric-a-brac and Tombola.

Donations of goods accepted at the hall from 10am, sorry furniture cannot be taken.

Enquiries to the secretary on 01256 780802.


Oakley Front Garden Stalls: Saturday 24th June, 12noon to 4pm.

Visit a wide range of stalls all around Oakley. Full details and booking form on ocaoakley.org.

Book your stall by Saturday 17th June. Village map available of stalls in the following week.


Twelve Hours - The story of Jane Austen’s engagement: Performance at St Lawrence Church, Wootton St Lawrence, on Friday 14th April at 7.30pm.

Promoter: Friends of St Lawrence

Contact Teresa Bates om 07771540709 or email: friends@oww.church.

The beautiful and ancient church at Wootton St Lawrence is a place of worship, and a site of historical importance. The Friends of St Lawrence intend to provide a more welcoming space that is open, accessible to all and flexible enough to enable worship and other community initiatives to flourish. The Friends aim to provide toilet facilities and a kitchen to encourage greater use of the building for drama, art, exhibitions and music. The church will be a space to be used by a growing local community.

To raise funds for this, Twelve Hours, a play by Phil Howe will be performed again in the church. The play is about a real event. Jane Austen accepted of an offer of marriage from Harris Bigg-Wither, the owner of the Manydown estate and rejected it twelve hours later.

It is a big decision to say, “Yes,” to a marriage proposal. It is an even bigger decision to change your mind overnight.

The one woman monologue recreates an intense event in her life that is often overlooked. This drama is approached with sentiment, humour and respect.

The work is to be performed at St Lawrence Church by actor Kerry Fitzgerald, who trained at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and directed by Nick and Becky Kitter of Scratchbuilt productions.

The play, which lasts approximately 55 mins will be performed as a costumed read-through. Phil Howe will be available afterwards for a Q&A session and signings of the book, Twelve Hours.

Doors open 6.30pm, performance starts 7.30pm. Complimentary drink on arrival.

Tickets £15, available from TwelveHoursPlay.eventbrite.co.uk.

Tiffany Wise


Old Basing and Lychpit

Basing House reopens on Saturday 1st April when Miller’s Ark will be an extra attraction with Easter bunnies and lambs. There will also be an egg hunt and egg trail which will be there until Sunday 16th April. Basing House will then be open from Wednesday until Sunday from 11am until 4pm until the Autumn.

New members are very welcome to join Old Basing family-friendly Tennis Club whether they are returning to the game or are complete novices. The club’s summer season started on 28th March and offers a range of tennis activities and times to choose from. Check out their Facebook page or website: clubspark.lta.org.uk/OldBasingTennisClub

The organiser of Old Basing and Lychpit Good Neighbours is really pleased to have the help of some new members but would, of course, welcome more volunteers to join this worthwhile organisation. The scheme is to help people in the local community with transport to hospitals, doctors, dentists, clinics; to collect prescriptions or shopping or just to spend some time with someone who needs a little bit of company. It is all about kindness and doing something nice for someone else. If you feel able to help or would like more information, please phone 03330440116.

Old Basing WI will be meeting on Tuesday 4th April at 730pm in St Mary’s Parish Rooms. Money for the trip to Pamela Lewis’s Garden will be collected on the night as will the annual subscriptions which are now due. Please contact the Treasurer for further information. The competition this month is ‘Fairy Cakes’.

Elspeth Lee



Race Night is on Saturday in the Village Hall. The fun starts at 7.30pm till late and there's a grand prize of £100. There will be bar sales, free bar snack, an auction for horses and riders. Grand prize for the winning jockey of the final race. Tickets are only £5 and can be bought from the village shop for cash, email: events@sherfieldvillagehall.co.uk or via BACS transfer to Sherfield-On-Loddon Village Hall, Account 33634447  Sort code: 23-05-80 or there may be tickets available on the door on the night. Registered charity: 272385.

Chris Horton