A GROUP of runners recently hosted a special event to help raise awareness and understanding of mental illnesses.

On February 1, the Hatch Warren Runners organised a special club run to support mental health charity MIND and England Athletics campaign #RUNANDTALK.

More than 50 runners took part in the event which is part of the national campaign, which is aimed at supporting people with mental health challenges through talking.

The session lasted around 45 minutes to complete, with a drink in the Portsmouth Arms, in Hatch Warren Lane, after the run for those who needed rehydrating.

Helen Brooker, who organised the event on behalf of the Hatch Warren Runners, said: “Tonight was a wonderful event.

“Thank you to all our wonderful runners, both old and new who joined us and a fabulous turnout in the Portsmouth Arms for the post run talk too. Thanks everyone for a lovely evening, and we certainly will not be waiting until next year to host our next #RUNANDTALK.”

The event was run in conjunction with the Basingstoke Samaritans, which provides a safe place for people with mental health issues or otherwise to talk freely and openly about their issues.

Matt Holman from the Samaritans and is also a member of the Hatch Warren Runners joined the group during the run.

He said: “It was great to bring together two passions for members of this amazing club, running and talking.

“Whilst most runners do enjoy a conversation whilst running with their friends, it was nice to have a chance to talk with a wide range of runners with all abilities and their own amazing running stories, and journeys.

“Basingstoke Samaritans is all for supporting these local community initiatives and helping people to talk is something that is high on the national agenda of many charities and organisations right now. I cannot wait to attend the next club event.”

For more information visit samaritans.org