Sir.–However much we regret losing a greenfield site, Manydown is going to be developed for housing.

The very least we must do is make the development Basingstoke's shop window of “sustainability”.

Basingstoke Transition Network therefore calls on the borough council to insist on stringent and sustainable planning standards. All buildings there should be built to a minimum of level six of the code for sustainable homes and should have the highest standards of energy efficiency, not just the minimum Building Regulations standards.

No-one in Manydown should need to run their central heating except on seriously sub-zero nights. Include “smart” metering and control of energy use and have broadband connections of highest quality. Have grey water recycling. Be built from locally available material where possible Manydown should be a place where it is a joy to live.

“Green corridors” and allotments should be planned from the start. Getting to and from Manydown should not require the use of a fossil-fuelled car. Practical bus routes, with options to expand for light-rail or tram use, should be planned to serve all parts of Manydown, with accessibility for those with special needs.

There should be nursery and primary schools and community halls with safe walking routes for children from all parts of the development. Car parking should be planned to include charging points for electric vehicles. Cycle paths should be given as much priority as roads. A residents' parking permit system should encourage residents to own fewer, smaller and more economical cars.

And finally, Manydown should be a place where our next generation can afford to live – affordable housing should be the rule not the exception.

–Tara Bowers, Director, Devlin Rhodes Ltd, The Innovation Centre, Basing View, Basingstoke.