A DISABLED man with a love of flying is seeing his dreams come true thanks to a north Hampshire-based charity.

Gautam Lewis, 30, is only able to walk with the aid of crutches due to polio, but is currently training to gain a Private Pilot's Licence, meaning he will be free to fly solo.

The charity making this possible, the British Disabled Flying Association (BDFA), is based at Lasham airfield near Basingstoke, where Mr Lewis takes his lessons.

Mr Lewis is the first person to be taught by the BDFA instructors, all of whom volunteer their time. The BDFA is the only group for disabled training accredited by the Civil Aviation Authority, and purchased its first plane, a modified Piper Cherokee, last year.

Mr Lewis, who lives in London, said: "My life has been turned around by learning the skills needed for flying. I feel alive and energised when I am flying a plane.

"Flying is fantastic but it was something I never thought would be possible for me to do until I met people from the BDFA.

"I would eventually like to become an instructor and give something back in the same way so the circle is complete.

"I would also like to become a pioneer for disabled pilots, flying from pole to pole and across the Atlantic Ocean.

"Under normal circumstances it would cost me £50,000 to learn to fly, but with the help of the BDFA it is only costing me £2,000."

Mr Lewis is being taught to fly by Paul Carvasso, a former RAF pilot and instructor who now works for a commercial airline.

"It's a privilege to be able to introduce a disabled person to the freedom of flight and the boundless possibilities it offers up," he said.

"I really enjoy instructing because it's a great way of sharing the fantastic experiences that you can only see and enjoy through aviation."

Mike Miller-Smith, chairman of the British Disabled Flying Association, added: "What Gautam is doing is great.

"Flying a plane is an achievement for anybody let alone a disabled person.

"Other people are also in training and on the waiting list to take lessons. It is really taking off."