BONFIRES: Are again becoming a nuisance. We do not live in a smokeless zone. However, a little bit of consideration for neighbours is a must! At this time of year residents expect to be able to leave their windows open (if they are home), hang out their washing and enjoy our summer weather in their gardens. It is not amusing when an inconsiderate neighbour starts a fire and they have to rush around closing the windows, taking in the washing and retreat indoors.

PARKING on pavements: More people are concerned about the number of vehicles parked on pavements.

This can cause particular problems for those on mobility scooters or with pushchairs. Quite often these people have to step out into the road to get past, risking their safety. Again, a little thought for others would not go adrift.

ON a more positive note – have you been enjoying the beautiful red kites which seem to be coming across our area more and more?