SAFER roads: Gillian Noble’s petition to make the county council aware of the difficulties faced by pedestrians, children and the elderly in Old Basing is gathering momentum, with over 1,200 signatures in support of 20mph speed limits.

Contact her on St Mary’s Junior School children have also been instrumental in arranging for county councillors to walk to school with them one morning next term. Let’s hope that our elected representatives really commit to improving road safety at last.

KEEP our Village Show alive! Just over a month to go and I hope your pumpkins are doing better than mine! Sunday, September 6, at 2.30pm in the village hall, offers displays of garden flowers, roses, pot plants, fruit and vegetables all grown within the parish.

Free schedules and entry forms have had to be reprinted due to overwhelming demand so are again available at various local retail outlets.

LINDEN Market: A final farewell to Bob and staff this Saturday over tea and biscuits. The Co-Op will open in October.