BRAMLEY Parish Council: Will meet on July 20 in the Bramley Room at the village hall at 7.30pm. There is an open forum item on the agenda for 10 minutes when questions and comments are invited from those present.

BRAMLEY and Romans Floral Society: At the start of the society’s meeting on July 2, the chairman told members of Pat Jones’ unfortunate fall and sent best wishes from all for her speedy recovery from a fractured hip and broken arm.

Jackie Wilson, the demonstrator, then revealed her title as “Elements” and depicted in beautiful arrangements Earth, Fire and Water. Ilene Iles gave the vote of thanks and flowers were raffled. Members enjoyed tea and home-made cakes.

29TH BRAMLEY Show: Will be held on August 22 in the village hall. There are many classes from photography, art, flowers, vegetables and cookery, also lots of classes for children. The full schedule is with the July Bramley Magazine. Contact 01256 881691.