TEAS in church: Start this weekend, from 2pm to 5pm. There are several weddings that will reduce the number of Saturday teas this year. Our church is lucky to have nine weddings planned at the moment and we wish all the couples the very best on their special days.

KINGSCLERE Singers: Will give a concert in the parish church on Saturday, July 11, at 7.30pm. Tickets are £10, from 0118 970 0825, children free and all monies raised will be shared with the Singers and the Bell Fund.

PUB Quiz: On Monday, July 13, 7.30pm for 8pm start, at The Calleva Arms, organised by the PTA. Costs £2 per person. Just come along and join a team.

OPEN Garden: On July 12, 2pm-6pm, at West Silchester Hall.

METHODIST Cream Teas: Every Sunday, from 3pm to 5pm, throughout July.

SILCHESTER Association: Will welcome everyone to a picnic on the common on August 31. Bring your own picnic.

CRICKET: Silchester returned to winning ways last Saturday with a comfortable six-wicket win over Hook to stay in a mid-table position.