ROADWORKS: At the time of writing, Hampshire County Council was planning road surface works on Woodbury Road for the end of this week.

This was likely to involve some disruption to traffic including temporary road closures and traffic lights.

HCC was hoping that the work would take three days and they were planning to repaint the worn road markings following the resurfacing work.

BOROUGH council elections: There will be four candidates for the council seat which is up in Hatch Warren and Beggarwood in May. The candidates are; sitting Conservative Councillor Rebecca Bean, Labour party candidate Zoe-Marie Rogers, UKIP candidate Stan Tennison, and Richard Whitechurch for the Liberal Democrats. The poll takes place on May 7.

CIDER Festival: Tickets are now on sale for the Cider Festival at the community centre on Saturday, May 9. A wide range of ciders will be available, as well as food such as pulled pork brioche rolls, beechwood smoked hotdogs and balsamic new potatoes. Tickets are £7 for members and £8 for non-members.