NWR: Gill says: “Our last meeting was all about technology – we listened to a short history of email, Facebook – just over half of us are on it and find it very useful to keep up with other people and especially family.

“No-one at the meeting uses Twitter. We then heard about Skype and some of us use it to keep in touch.

“We also heard about the health effects of overuse and the danger of young people using social media instead of interacting with their peers in the conventional way and, finally, we heard about the uses of a Smartphone and how it is different to a regular mobile. We all enjoyed the meeting and it sparked off lots of lively discussion.”

ST LEONARD’s Church: Is open on Saturday, for reflection, a visit, prayer or to view with a wedding in mind.

MOTHERING Sunday: Family Communion, at St Leonard’s this Sunday, at 10am. Family worship is at Breach Lane Chapel at 10.30am.

FUN Quiz: This Saturday, in the village hall, doors open 7pm for 7.45pm. Call 886550.