NATIONAL Women’s Register: The Bramley group will meet on Wednesday from 7.30pm, at 4 Dollis Green.

Members are asked to choose a song they would like played and to research its origins and history. All are welcome to this interesting evening. Call to 01256 881313.

BRAMLEY Parish Council: Will meet next on February 16, at 7.30pm in the Bramley Room at the village hall, where all parishioners are welcome to attend.

Details are displayed on noticeboards and on the website

CAFE Church: The next meeting will be held in Bramley School Hall, in Moat Close, on February 7, from 4.30pm to 5.30pm. This will be a social hour with refreshments and children’s activities, for people who don’t do church.

BRAMLEY Show: The show will be organised for August 22 this year. Things will be run very much as before and the same team will be letting you know more about the schedule later. If you have any ideas or comments, please let them know on 01256 881691.