KEMPSHOTT WI: The new Kempshott Women’s Institute year starts on Monday, at Kempshott Village Hall, meeting at the new time of 2.30pm.

This is the national centenary year for the WI with lots of events being planned and include a centenary celebration in Kempshott for the local groups, to be held at the end of June.

ROAD Safety: Hampshire County Council Highways is about to start work on reinforcing the bollards at the end of Kempshott Lane (next to Old Down Hall). The bollards are illegally removed to use as an off-road cut through to the A30.

This is quite obvious to see from the tyre marks across the grass bund! Hopefully, once the improvements are complete, this will no longer be possible.

CRIME alert: We are again seeing a slight increase in the number of burglaries and car crimes in the area.

This might be a good time to consider starting up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. If you would like more information on this, please contact either PC Richard Harrison or PCSO Tom Harries at the police station.