LIBRARY bus correction: Apologies for any confusion, but having ascertained that the information on the Hampshire County Council website was incorrect, we can confirm that the bus visits Kennet Way lay-by, in Oakley, from 9.30am to noon each Wednesday, not in the afternoon as previously advised.

OAKLEY Afternoon WI: Is starting a very important WI year, as they reach the centenary of the start of the WI. This month’s talk is entitled ‘Door Stop Crime’' by Hampshire County Council. All visitors are welcome to St Leonard’s Centre on Monday, at 1.45pm.

OAKLEY Ramblers: There is a walk this coming Sunday, and it will be led by Heather and Richard Wilson (780846).

The circular walk will start and finish in Kings Worthy (lunch available after at King Charles pub). Meet at the school lay-by at 9.50am to leave at 10am. Could be ‘sticky’ underfoot in places, so wear suitable footwear.