POLICE Neighbourhood Panel meeting: Discussion at last week’s meeting included information on Hampshire Constabulary’s Community SpeedWatch initiative, which trains volunteers to monitor speeding on local roads.

Schemes require funding to set up and for volunteers to be vetted and trained. For more information, email speedwatch@hampshire.pnn.police.uk.

BASINGSTOKE Green Week: September 20-27 is Basingstoke Green Week, organised by Basingstoke Transition Network and supported by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and The Gazette. From 1pm to 4pm, on the first Saturday, there’s a family fun day at Brookvale Village Hall. This includes free children’s entertainment, environmental documentary film showings and a pizza and social evening with music, starting at 4pm and running through to 9pm.

The following day, at the same venue, from 1pm to 4pm, sees a children’s junk percussion workshop with Paul Midgeley, from Drum Runners, and an upcycled gardening workshop.