RESIDENTS’ briefing: The next one, led by PC Charlton, is to be held on Monday, at 8pm at the Chineham Village Hall.

In response to the spate of burglaries that the parish suffered back in November, and those that occurred more recently, PC Charlton will be giving a presentation on how to avoid being a victim of one. All welcome.

CHINEHAM Library: Will be having a professional storyteller visiting this coming half-term holiday.

Micheal O'Leary will be at the library on Thursday, February 24, from 1pm to 3pm. The session is free, but places are limited, so booking is required (either pop into the library or tel: 336481).

CHINEHAM Village Club: This afternoon, the club will be hosting a senior citizen bingo session.

A SERVICE for Women’s World Day of Prayer: Is to take place on Friday, March 4, at 10.30am at Christ Church. Sarah Witts will be speaking on ‘How many loaves have you?’ A warm welcome is extended to all women, men and children.

For further information, please call Maureen on 356454.