THANKS: To Angie Fewster and Shelly Wilkinson for organising the children’s production of Goldilocks at the weekend. This was a well attended event, and as funny as I remembered.

The children seemed to thoroughly enjoy it, as did a particular knot of adults in the auditorium!

WI MEETING: Today, the WI meet at the village hall from 7.30pm. This month’s talk is The Impact of Eye Surgery, by Dr Moss.

The competition is for a favourite remedy. Advance notice is also given of the forthcoming jumble sale which takes place on March 20, from 1.30pm at the village hall. Donations welcome from noon on the day.

CRASH: Meets at the village hall on Monday, from 10.30am to 12.30pm, for all your computer queries and problems.

TIME to get your tickets for next week’s St Leonard’s Mardi Gras Lunch! This is happening on Saturday, February 26, at the village hall from 12.30pm.

Tickets are £9 for adults and £4 for under-16s, from Bob Kew (326817), Monica Tilley (351204), Pat Rampton 461034) or Ben Maunder (327859).