LAST call: To members and friends of Ellisfield Ladies to book a place for next Monday’s event billed as a ‘Fun Games Evening with Supper!’ This is the last event to be organised by the outgoing committee who have some great games up their sleeves and a delicious supper of baked potatoes, chilli and salad will be served.

Doors open at Ellisfield’s Memorial Hall at 7.30pm for an 8pm start. If you have a great game, do take it along to share with others – I’ve recently discovered Jenga so look forward to a balancing challenge and some good oldfashioned card games or should I take the Twister?

Tickets cost £5 for members and £7.50 for non-members, from Hannah (381863), Sue (381819), Helen (381384) or Joanne (381300). You will need to bring your own drink and glasses (both optical and for liquid refreshment!).

QUIZ Night: At The Fox Inn, this Sunday, starts at 8pm. Participation costs £1 per person and the winning team wins the pot. Why not go along and put your knowledge to the test?