IF ANYBODY needed convincing that Chineham offers one of the very best urban living experiences in our borough, they need only have joined the splendid ramble around the “Chineham Nature Walk” devised by hard-working members of Chineham Conservation Group.

Chineham Copses are a truly wonderful asset and Chineham residents and VIP visitors enjoyed a rich experience of these during last Saturday’s walk.

MESSY Church: All children are invited to join Christ Church for Messy Church next Monday.

Doors open at 3.45pm, with games and refreshments.

Some of the church’s young people are going on a mission trip to the Ukraine during August and have organised a fundraising treasure hunt for this Saturday, starting at 10.30am in the church car park.

Entry forms are available from the church office.

Contact the church for more information.

PROFESSIONAL photographer Eric Esslemont: Will be taking photos at Linguatastic French and Spanish sessions at Chineham Village Hall Community Rooms next Wednesday after school, Thursday morning and after school, Friday morning and after school and the following Tuesday morning and after school. Contact 811100 for more details.