MILLENNIUM Hall events: This is the week for the monthly whist drive, which will take place at the Millennium Village Hall today, from 6.45pm.

It’s obviously a week for monthly events, as on Monday, the monthly coffee morning is happening from 10.30am to noon.

PLEASE note: That the Women’s Institute will not meet on Thursday, June 17, as they usually would.

Instead, there is a mystery outing and supper on June 24.

GARDEN competition: It’s time to decide whether you’d like to enter your garden in the Three Villages Best Gardens competition.

Forms need to be returned to a committee member by Saturday, June 19.

CLIDDESDEN Players: Income and expenses from the Cliddesden Players’ summer plays and barbecue are now in, and the profits total aound £1,500.

Well done to everyone involved, whether on stage, backstage, off-stage, upstaged, or simply in the audience! Hurrah.