PRAM Service: Today, in St Mary's church at 2.15pm. All pre-schoolers and their parents/minders welcome. Refreshments available.

CARNIVAL work party: On Friday, June 18, all hands on deck to prepare the Recreation Ground for Saturday's main event.

Moving equipment, erecting tents and barriers all requires some willing and able helpers from 2pm. Call Pat on 478372. Tombola donations can be left in the box at the Linden Market, or Kath on 473402 can collect.

SOLVE: A packed village hall last Saturday showed the strength of local feeling regarding the unacceptability of the plans to foist 9,000 houses on to the Loddon Valley.

Please submit your comments before June 21. Kate Tuck on 01256 324043 can assist or go to

THE Friends of St Mary's coffee morning: Produced the excellent sum of £330 towards the Betty Holmes Memorial Plaque. Many thanks to Sylvia and Peter Dark for hosting this event in their lovely garden.

ST MARY'S Junior School: Welcomes everyone to their PTA Summer Fayre this Sunday, from 2pm. Music, plants, cakes, side-shows and lots of fun guaranteed.