SILCHESTER Fete and Dog Show: Takes place on Saturday, from 1pm to 4pm. Attractions include stalls, sides-shows, food, music, champagne draw, steel band and more.

PRAISE on the common: At 11am on Sunday, led by Hannington Band. An ecumenical service of praise. No morning service at St Mary's.

FOUR Corners Ride: Tony Stanley starts his "Four Corners of UK" ride with a send off from the fete. Tony's sponsor money will go to the hall extension fund.

ROMAN dig: Advance notice that the dig starts on June 28.

VILLAGE hall: The AGM will be on June 28 at 7.45pm. Everyone welcome to see the plans and hear about our hall.

METHODIST Church: Cream teas continue each Sunday from 3pm to 6pm for the rest of the month.

SILCHESTER Magazine: Our new editor will be Dan Read, who can be contacted on Many thanks to Mike for his hard and efficient editorship for almost 13 years.

ILLEGAL fires: Have been started on the common, please notify the police and the parish clerk if you recognise anyone.