COUNCILLOR’S surgery: County councillor Marilyn Tucker will be holding her monthly surgery on Saturday, between 11am and 1pm behind the checkouts in Sainsbury’s, Tadley.

If you have a council-related problem, then pop-along and have a word with her.

THE Ambrose Allen Lunch Club: Is looking for voluntary drivers for the mini-bus to transport elderly residents to and from the Ambrose Allen Centre.

This would be for two days a month. For more information, contact Hugh Morris on 0118 9813086.

SUMMER fayre: On Saturday, June 19, from 2pm to 4.30pm at St Mary’s Church, Newchurch Road, Tadley, where there will be a raffle, teas, tombola, cakes, gifts, plants, bric-a-brac, games, toys and craft supplies. For further information, call 0118 9821583.

DON’T forget: On Fridays, at the Salvation Army Hall, in Mulfords Hill, coffee and a chat starts from 10am to noon.

Not only coffee and tea, teacakes and a table with lots of bits and bobs for sale as well. All are welcome to this very friendly event.