JUMBLE sale: On Saturday, there is a jumble sale, in aid of the Bingo Club, starting at 2pm at East Oakley Village Hall. Please take any donations to the hall on the morning of the sale.

SATURDAY roast: If you live alone and would like to join others for lunch and a chat, then there is a lunch being arranged at St Leonard’s Centre by church members on Saturday, October 12, from 12.30pm-3pm.

Please contact Sue on 782570 for a ticket and more information. Transport can be arranged.

OAKLEY Scout Group’s Jumble Sale: Is at East Oakley Village Hall on Saturday, October 12, from 2pm. Items can be left at the hall on the morning of the sale from 10am but no bulky items please.

MOBILE library: The next visit of the mobile library will be on Monday, between 10.45am and 1pm to Kennet Way.

WEDDING Fayre: This Sunday, from 11am-4pm, Oakley Hall is holding a Wedding Fayre. Admission is free, and there will be more than 50 exhibitors.