EUROPEAN Day of Languages: Fiesta Dance School, Kala the Arts, Vicky Lee, the hulahooper, and Jake McCormick, the juggler, entertained more than 70 children and adults at Linguatastic’s celebration of European Day of Languages in Chineham last Saturday. There was a wide array of international food on offer, including dishes from Italy, Germany and Cambodia!

THE Greening Chineham Campaign: Began in September 2010 with a small meeting of five Chineham residents. Since then, it has grown and has engaged in several different projects. The next project is about encouraging people to “Bring a Bag” and avoid using throwaway plastic bags.

Greening Chineham is a group of local residents working within the community to make a difference locally. The group is a friendly one, made up of members of different ages and backgrounds.

The group meets monthly, and is keen to have people join, even if they can’t attend every month and/or are maybe only able to share ideas via e-mail. Their next gathering is on Tuesday, from 7.30pm, at Four Lanes Community Centre.