ADVENTURE AA took themselves to Ivy House Fishery for their latest fixture and Steve Hunt showed his class to win the match with 254lb 12oz of carp on pole and caster, Graham (Shaggy) Shadwell put pole and paste to good use and caught 167lb 8oz of carp. Graham Spiller utilised the pellet waggler for his 106lb 4oz whilst Gary Hermon netted 98lb 14oz on pole and worm over ground bait. Twenty fished and caught.

Basingstoke Railway Piscatorials were at Dandys Ford Fishery on Saturday last and Staceys Supremo Keith Brown drew the in form peg 19 and duly won the match with 84lb 6oz on pole and maggot, John Hooley employed feeder tactics for his 58lb 11oz of carp whilst Lyn Matthews pole and magged the margin for her 53lb 14oz. Fourteen fished and caught.

Staceys Match Group went to Whitehouse Lake last Sunday and Kevin Roberts took the honours with 42lb 13oz of carp on pole and caster, Keith Brown caught bream and carp on pole and maggot for second spot, Chris (Rabbit) Barratt caught 32lb 10oz of carp on pole and corn. Thirteen fished and caught.

Kennet Ospreys were at Soke Road Lake for their latest fixture and it was Steve( I don’t moan) Shepherd who won with 50lb 5oz of carp on pole and pellet. Colin Thomas used pole and paste for his 44lb 3oz with Bill Atkinson making up the frame on 28lb 14oz. Twelve fished and caught just “Maurice”.

Camrose AC fished their match at Cheriton Farm, where Jason (The Paste) Marcham topped out on 145lb 8oz of carp on pole and corn, match secretary Pip Seeny caught 108lb on pole and corn whilst Mike Ravenning netted 95lb 4oz. Eight fished and caught.

Whilst I was fishing on Sunday last ‘er indoors creosoted our garden fence, when I got home she said she was tired, so I told her to do it over two days next time.

Catch me next week.