LOTS of exciting thing have happened in the last week.

Like you, I’m proud to be living through these times as we view Andover change and develop bringing the theatre into a more central location, and watching as the regeneration of the area around the former magistrates court takes place.

Vigo park and eastern avenue will soon appear, to be closer to the town. This will be of special interest, not only to families but our teenagers too.

But me personally?

I’m thrilled to see the plans for the park at town mills, with its new entrance enhanced by the river and the church, marrying the old and the new seamlessly.

We are the current custodians of this town.

Andover has been here since stagecoach drivers used it on their way through to London from the west country.

Like many readers, our family has lived through the various changes since 1960 so yes, I agree with some of you, we don’t have what we used to have in those bygone days.

But we no longer need stagecoaches either.

We use cars, buses, motorcycles, planes, and trains.

Enjoy being part of the changes

Love Andover, and share in the positive approaches being made- Manuela.

Stay tuned next week for another column.