HAMPSHIRE Constabulary is reminding drivers of the dangers of using mobile phones while at the wheel.

It is illegal to use a hand-held mobile device while driving on the road. If caught, a driver faces a fine, their insurance costs could go up, and they could even lose their licence.

Research shows drivers are four times more likely to crash if using a mobile phone, and their reaction times are around 50 per cent slower when doing so. Even careful drivers can be distracted by a call or text, and a split second lapse in concentration could result in an accident.

Officers from the Roads Policing unit are on patrol year-round to enforce the laws. Between January and December 2011, 5,802 people were caught using a hand-held device while driving in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Inspector Jon Snook of Hampshire Constabulary’s Roads Policing unit said: “Using a mobile phone while driving is not only illegal, but it puts you and others at an unacceptable risk.

“We’re on patrol to deter drivers from taking those risks, and to catch anyone who chooses to flout the law.

“Although it’s not illegal to use hands-free phones, drivers face the same penalties as using a phone if we think you’re not in proper control of your vehicle.”

“Education is as important as enforcement in preventing offences and saving lives. That’s why if you’re caught using a mobile at the wheel, you may get the option of attending one of our driver-awareness courses.”

Of those caught using a mobile phone while driving in 2011, 66 per cent attended a Driver Diversion Course, 21 per cent opted to pay a fixed penalty of £60 and take three points on their licence, while nine per cent chose to go to court.