Sir.–I write with some bemusement after reading the story in your paper on Monday, November 14, regarding the proposal for the county's minerals and waste disposal processing depot at the Basingstoke railway sidings.

As a resident of the new Spencer Place development, it would seem that, on the face of your publication, Councillor Ron Hussey is in agreement with residents of Brookvale in stating that this minerals site will cause noise, dust and increased HGV traffic to our area and, in particular, he focuses on the new development on the former Eli Lilly site.

Can I remind Cllr Hussey that he voted in favour of the Lemon Land planning application on the site. Back then, he wasn’t as concerned about the impact of the minerals depot. In fact, as I remember, the county council environment department objected to the Lemon Land development because they were promoting the mineral depot.

So not only do we end up with urban cramming of the worst kind on the former Lilly site, supported by Cllr Hussey, but now at the 11th hour he objects to the minerals depot because of the traffic implications on Kingsclere Road.

He didn’t listen to the community’s highways concerns regarding Kingsclere Road two years ago when he voted for Lemon Land, even though the minerals depot was at that time being considered by the county.

–Jack Cousens, Sinclair Drive, Spencer Place, Brookvale, Basingstoke.