Sir.–So, it’s coming up to Christmas once again, and shops everywhere are displaying advertisements for temporary staff.

Having just been made redundant, and being of the mindset that I should help myself rather than take the easy option and sign the unemployment register, I spent some considerable time visiting shops in Festival Place, collecting application forms, completing them and returning them, or leaving a copy of my CV.

Big mistake! My success rate and the lack of feedback I have received has left me feeling that I should have just taken that easy option. The word on a lot of recruitment experts’ lips these days is “transferable skills”. However, this seems to bypass most of the places I have visited. After spending 20- plus years in the IT industry, I now realise what a fool I was believing in such a thing. For example, like all retail outlets, IT is a service industry, and therefore, there is a lot of customer interaction and requirement for excellent customer service in both industries. A transferable skill, correct? It would seem not to be the case.

So, then, should we all simply stay in the same industry, from the day we start work until we retire?

Until employers do more than pay lip service to the idea of transferable skills, the unemployment figures, both locally, and nationally, are not likely to decrease any time in the near future.

My other point is on the subject of feedback to unsuccessful candidates. Those who are not successful in reaching interview stage for any position do not possess psychic powers and would therefore prefer that common courtesy and politeness are displayed by responding in a timely manner to all candidates, regardless of outcome.

Employers – please treat us in the way you would wish to be treated – with respect.

–Name and address withheld.