Sir.–While in the Basingstoke Post Office on July 7 at around 5pm, there was an eruption from two separate parties across the room.

Amid the humid atmosphere, a group of females and a group of young males had begun to hurl abuse at each other in a language so colourful it was embarrassing.

The cause for the verbal abuse and direct threats was obviously due to a matter of great distress for the “ladies” whom had begun the accusations. However, this was neither the time nor place to discuss the matter, particularly in the way they were going about it and besides, this letter isn’t about them.

Halfway through this by now, extremely audible fiasco, a tall, short-haired gentleman in a suit remarked on how unpleasant it was to be standing in the local post office listening to the two groups of people mouthing off at each other. He suggested that the offenders either respect the fact that there were children and others within earshot, or take it outside and stop disturbing people.

I want to say thank-you to the gentleman who bothered to say something. In this day and age, it is not easy to voice your opinion without fear of prosecution in some manner. But on this occasion, despite the banter being continued some time later (it was a big queue), his voiced opinion prevented and subdued a situation that was clearly about to become physical.

I only hope he reads the local paper and sees that his effort was, very much appreciated.

–Miss Liann Waring, Kennet Island, Reading.