A NEW support group for people living with dementia was launched in Basingstoke this week.

It will meet at St Thomas’ Care Home, in St Thomas’ Close, South View, on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm.

Group organiser Mike Fisher, also operations manager St Thomas’, said: “There are so many people who feel isolated and frustrated so it is important they can share their experiences.”

Diane Houchin, branch manager of the Alzheimer’s Society Basingstoke and District Branch, said support groups are essential.

She said: “People can support each other and feel that they are not alone.”

The impact of dementia on family, friends and partners can be profound, she said.

For many, there may be precious moments of clarity, but for the most part carers face watching their loved ones drifting slowly away.

Diane said: “You can be left grieving for that person you have known for many years.”

The society branch, based in Chequers Road, Basingstoke, is helping to increase numbers in the town and the surrounding district because of an ageing population, she added.

It also holds a range of support group, meetings, and lunches across North Hampshire.

One of the sessions is a therapy called Singing for the Brain. This involves people with dementia singing to stimulate the mind and body.

If you would like to join the St Thomas’ group, call Mike Fisher on 01256 355 959. For groups supported by the Alzheimer’s Society, contact Diane Houchin on 01256 363393.