EASTER is drawing near, so here are some details of events in our churches.

AT St Michael’s, Basingstoke, on Palm Sunday, there will be Holy Communion at 8am, followed by Palm Procession and Parish Communion with dramatised reading of St Mark’s Passion Gospel. On Maundy Thursday there is Sung Communion and foot washing at 8pm and on Good Friday prayers are at 7.30am followed by the Walk of Witness at 9.15am leaving the United Reformed Church, in London Street and proceeding to Castle Square.

ON GOOD Friday the story of the cross starts at Gershwin Road Baptist Church, in Brighton Hill, Basingstoke, at 11am, and finishes at Church of Christ the King, in Brighton Hill, with informal worship and hot cross buns. On Easter Sunday at Church of Christ the King there is Communion for children with an Easter egg hunt from 10am. Everyone is welcome.

DO LET me have details of your Good Friday and Easter services as soon as possible. I can be contacted by email blairman@btinternet.com or by post to 16 Brocas Drive, Basingstoke, RG21 5LT.