LORD’S Flock Catholic Charismatic Ministry International meets every Saturday, from 5pm to 7pm, at the Holy Ghost Hall, in Burgess Road, Basingstoke.

This group is led by members of the Filipino community. Anyone is welcome to attend.

ST LEONARD’S, Cliddesden, is holding its autumn supper and table quiz on Saturday, at the Cliddesden Millennium Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm.

There will be a licensed bar. Tickets are £8 for adults and £4 for under-16s.

For further details, ring Bob Kew on 01256 326817 or Pat Rampton on 01256 461034.

THE annual blessing of graves at the Worting Road Cemetery, Basingstoke, will take place on Sunday, at 3pm.

ADVANCE notice of the Oakley Methodist Church bring-and-buy sale on Saturday, November 8, from 10am to noon, at the chapel by the pond.

Why not drop in for bargains and coffee and a mince pie? Proceeds in aid of church funds.

ROADS being prayed for in Tadley and Pamber Heath this coming week are Abbotswood Close, Ambrose Road, Anderson Gardens, Tadley; and Romans Gate, Pamber Heath.

DON’T forget to let me have details of your Remembrance Sunday services as soon as possible.

You can contact me by e-mail to blairman@btinternet. com, by post to 16 Brocas Drive, Basingstoke, RG21 5LT, or phone 01256 475380.