'ITS TIME' said Basingstoke residents after Rishi Sunak called for a general election to take place in July.

As previously reported, the prime minister announced at 5pm on Wednesday, May 22 that the general election will be held on July 4.

Local shoppers and residents have responded to the news with mixed reactions of apathy and anticipation.

Basingstoke resident Kenton Clark-Williams said it was about time. He added: "Once you've gone through three/four prime ministers in two years, it's time for a general election. I will be voting."

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Basingstoke Gazette: Kenton Clark Williams, who lives in Basingstoke

Paul Knell, 75, who was out shopping with his wife, said: "They should've got what they had in Parliament through first and then called in September. It's the typical two parties looking out for themselves."

Basingstoke Gazette: Paul Knell, 75, out shopping

"It just seems to be Conservatives doing what they usually do. I think they've called it at a point which is earlier than I was expecting," said Tadley resident, Alex Robinson, who added that he will be voting tactically.

Basingstoke Gazette: Alex Robinson, from Tadley

Elizabeth Walters told the Gazette: "I think it's a good idea, I think he's chosen just about right as the more it drags on the worse it will be."

"I think it's okay," said Sandra Braddy. She added: "The sooner the better. I will be voting, probably for Rishi Sunak."

Basingstoke Gazette: Sandra Braddy, a Basingstoke resident

The Labour and Conservative candidates for Basingstoke have also reacted to the announcement.

Labour candidate Luke Murphy said: “I am proud to launch my campaign to be the next Labour MP for Basingstoke.

"As a resident, I know that our community deserves better than the past 14 years of Tory decline.

"Over the next few weeks, I will set out my plans to change Basingstoke. Basingstoke is a town to be proud of. Like many people, I’ve chosen to live here, but we all know things can be better."

He continued: "That’s why I believe it’s time for change. From the NHS to endless potholes in our roads, the basic things we felt we could rely on are broken. All I ask is for the opportunity to serve, and together we can get Basingstoke’s future back.”

Maria Miller, who is campaigning for re-election under the Conservative Party, said: "The PM has announced a General Election for the 4th of July. My message is clear. We must cut housebuilding, get our new hospital built, keep our local beat bobbies and protect our green space."

She added: "We can't risk Labour doing what they did last time; bulldozing through green space and ushering in record amounts of unsustainable housing."