A dog walk organised by Basingstoke resident Fi Donnison and Lisa Basham raised welcome funds for a breast cancer charity, Coppafeel.

Fi was diagnosed with cancer during lockdown and has now been clear of the disease for three years.

She has fundraised for awareness charity CoppaFeel! ever since with the latest event held at Old Basing and around Basingstoke Common on Sunday, May 19. 

Basingstoke Gazette: A dog walk organised by Basingstoke resident Fi Donnison and Lisa Basham raised welcome funds for a

Fi said: “We were overwhelmed with support for the event which brought out, we estimate, 40 to 50 people along with their furry friends.

“The weather was amazing and warm, so we made sure we had plenty of pit stops for water and a rest.

“Thank you so much to people who came and helped us raise more money to benefit this amazing charity.”

The event raised £270, bringing Fi’s overall current fundraising total to around £1,900.

Basingstoke Gazette: A dog walk organised by Basingstoke resident Fi Donnison and Lisa Basham raised welcome funds for a

There will be more events to support the fundraise - go to justgiving.com/page/teamfiraisingcancerawareness2024

Fi thanked local businesses and organisations which supported the event such as Cromwell Dog Life dog training, 4pawsgoodies.co.uk, Old Basing Royal British Legion Social Club and the Trustees of Basingstoke Common.

The next walk (without dogs) will take place on June 15 at 8am. 

Bartons Mill pub in Old Basing is supporting this 30km event.