COUNCILLOR Kim Taylor has been elected as leader of the Labour group, one of the opposition parties in Hampshire County Council. 

Cllr Taylor will be the first female leader of a political group at Hampshire County Council. 

The change comes at the same time as Cllr Rob Humby the Conservative leader of the council steps down. 

Cllr Jacky Tustain has been elected as deputy leader.

Speaking after her election Cllr Taylor, who represents the Basingstoke Central Division, said: “I am proud to be representing Labour in Hampshire.

READ MORE: Hampshire County Council Conservatives select new leader

"The group will continue its positive and proactive approach set by Cllr Alex Crawford the previous leader. I will be seeking an early meeting with the new council leader to discuss service changes.” 

Cllr Taylor said she will be keeping up the pressure to safeguard the interests of residents and Hampshire’s most vulnerable members of society. As well as cuts to highway services, proposals to remove funding for homeless support and community transport like dial-a-ride will be decided by the cabinet in July.

Cllr Tustain said she will continue to work on the issues that matter most to residents, pushing to ensure Hampshire delivers a timely and quality service and holding them accountable when they don’t. 

The Labour group would like to hear from the 1.4 million Hampshire residents about what they feel the priorities for Hampshire should be. Residents can complete the online survey at: hampshire.laboursites/the-big-survey.