THANK you to all the people who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the launch of the Destination Basingstoke Ambassador Community (DBAC) at the end of February.

Team DB were delighted with the turnout – more than 70 people came to the launch (think the bacon baps helped – they usually do!) – and more than 30 businesses have already come on board.

Community is at the heart of what the DBAC is all about is. A key goal is to connect businesses to businesses, and businesses to community organisations and charities, for the greater good of the people who live and work in Basingstoke and Deane.

The response to the launch of the DBAC is typical of the can-do approach that so many people in business have in our town and borough – they want to come together to champion, and be part of, a movement that will make a difference.

If you want to find out more about what the DBAC is all about, then please click on 

Another event that Team DB is proud to organise is the annual A Place to be Proud of Awards, which is 21-years-old this year.

Every year, the awards put the spotlight on local people and community organisations whose amazing work might otherwise not be on the wider public’s radar – unsung heroes, amazing volunteers, young role models, people who go above and beyond, and those who are involved in making a difference to the health and wellbeing of people in Basingstoke and Deane.

This year, Team DB, with the support of our wonderful local sponsors and key partners, are pleased to broaden the spectrum of community recognition by introducing new categories that focus on sporting achievement and contribution, green community projects, local charities, and inspirational educators.

The clock is ticking down to the entry deadline, and you’ve got to be in it to win it, so please take a look at the categories – – and make sure that your local champions are nominated.

Good luck to all those who end up in the running for the awards, and Team DB looks forward to putting the spotlight on the finalists, winners, sponsors and key partners when the A Place to be Proud of Awards final takes place at joint headline sponsor the Apollo Hotel on Thursday, June 6.