Everyone with a sofa is being urged to consider replacing their furniture following a disgusting discovery made by furniture specialist.

Research highlights that Brits take three times longer choosing a sofa than deciding on a house. But, once we've got one, many of us fail to recognise the tell-tale signs that it’s time to be replaced.

Furniture specialist Jeannette Hudson at Online Sofa Shop reveals six things that could be lurking within your sofa right now.


“Studies have shown they're hotbeds for microscopic organisms like staphylococcus, streptococcus, and E coli. These bacteria can lead to various illnesses from skin infections to stomach issues, joint problems to pneumonia. It's important to keep your sofa clean to avoid these potential health problems.”

Food Crumbs

“Crumbs from snacks or meals can easily get lodged between cushions or in crevices, attracting pests and creating an unsanitary environment. This can further exacerbate the presence of bacteria and potential health risks associated with a dirty sofa.”

Pet Hair

“If you have pets, their hair and dander can accumulate in your sofa, triggering allergies and asthma symptoms. It can also contribute to the microbial ecosystem in your sofa, providing additional nutrients for bacteria to thrive.”

Bodily Fluids

“Body oils and sweat can stain upholstery fabric, creating unpleasant odours and providing a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria. These can get into the crevices of your sofa which can lead to painful skin problems like red lumps, sores, and blisters. Additionally, dead skin cells shed whilst sitting on sofas can accumulate and become a food source for dust mites and pests.”

Mould Spores

“Sofas can become a breeding ground for mould spores, especially in poorly ventilated spaces. Common symptoms of mould exposure include sniffles, sneezing, and red or itchy eyes or skin.”

Dust Mites

“Dust mites are microscopic pests that thrive in warm, humid environments, infesting upholstery and causing allergic reactions and respiratory issues like asthma. As sofas age, they accumulate more dust, providing an abundant food source for these critters.”