A BASINGSTOKE man who was caught masturbating in a layby by a lorry driver who filmed the incident after being told to "f*** off" has been sentenced.

As previously reported, on Tuesday, July 11, last year, Christopher Wenman, of Hillary Road, Oakridge, was caught masturbating in a layby on the A3 Northbound near Petersfield.

He appeared at Basingstoke Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, January 2 where he pleaded guilty to the offence.

Basingstoke Magistrates' Court previously heard that the 41-year-old was spotted by a lorry driver who had pulled over in a layby to have a sleep when the sensor alarm in his cab went off.

READ MORE: Basingstoke man, 41, caught pleasuring himself in layby

During that hearing prosecutor Kerry Richardson said: "His [the lorry driver's] attention was drawn to the left side of the lorry where an alarm went off. He looked out the left side of his cab and noticed a man with his trousers around his ankles. The man told him to f*** off."

The driver then saw the male continuing to masturbate next to the fuel tank of the lorry. She said the lorry driver was told "again to f*** off."

She added: "He [the lorry driver] recorded Wenman doing the act on his phone camera. The police were called to the incident and they arrested Wenman."

At a hearing held at the same court on Thursday, February 8 Wenman was sentenced for the offence.

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During the sentencing hearing, defending Wenman, Simon Moger said: "He is extremely embarrassed by his conduct and is very sorry for his conduct. It is very out of character and there are no offences of such nature on his record."

Mr Moger told the court that Wenman had taken a drug that he had never taken before mistakenly believing it was cocaine. 

Prosecutor David Fosler said he did not have anything to add.

Magistrates said the offence was serious enough to give a 12-month community order. 

The order will include 40 hours of unpaid work and 10 rehabilitation activity requirement days to address the drug issues.

Wenman must also pay court costs of £85 and a surcharge fee of £114.