CCTV images have been released following a series of suspected cashpoint tampering in Alton.

According to police, a number of people were affected after an external cashpoint of TSB bank in Alton was allegedly tampered with.

Many customers who have tried to withdraw money from this cash machine were affected.

Police have now released CCTV images of a man they would to speak to in connection with the incidents.

The bank believes that there may still be a small number of people who are not aware that they have been victimised.

The dates of reported incidents are:

  • Tuesday, February 21 

  • Saturday, March 25 

  • Sunday, June 4

  • Wednesday, June 14

  • Sunday, July 2

  • Sunday, September 3

  • Sunday, October 1

  • Sunday, October 15

If you used this cashpoint on the above dates and money was withdrawn from your account without the cash being dispensed, please report this to your bank who will then pass on the necessary information to police.

Basingstoke Gazette: The CCTV images released by police in connection with a cash machine tampering incident

Please remember to never share your debit or credit card PIN with anyone. If you see anything unusual about a cash machine or it’s been tampered with, don’t use it and report it to the bank as soon as possible.

When using an ATM:

  • cover your PIN as you type it

  • stand close to the machine

  • use your free hand and body to shield the keypad as you enter your PIN

This will prevent any prying eyes or hidden cameras seeing your PIN.

Don’t get distracted. Be particularly cautious if seemingly well-meaning strangers talk to you or offer to help while you’re using the ATM.

If they’re persistent, simply cancel the transaction and discreetly put your card away. Fraudsters sometimes fit devices to cash machines that trap your card, or ‘eat’ it, which they then retrieve as soon as you’ve left the area.

If an ATM eats your card for any reason, report it to your card company straight away, ideally using your mobile while you’re still in front of the machine.

Make sure you store your card company’s 24-hour contact number in your phone.

Once you’ve completed a transaction put your money and card away before leaving the cash machine.

Destroy or ideally shred your cash-machine receipts, mini-statements, or balance enquiries when you’ve finished with them.

If you recognise the man in these images, or have information that could help with the investigation, please call 101 quoting reference 44230425468 or go online to report via

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or visit their website: