READERS have shared what makes them proud to live in Basingstoke.

We recently asked our readers on Facebook 'What makes you proud to live in our area?' 

The post was flooded with responses from people keen to share their favourite things about our town, and we've selected a few of our favourites which we have shared in a list below.

Volunteers and charity work

One reader was eager to draw attention to the various charitable organisations within the town, including: "The Cafe Dome - giving those who possibly wouldn't normally a chance and the foods great too.

"The Street Pastors - nothing about religion, these guys volunteer and put themselves amongst the nightlife.

"Volunteers - anyone giving their time for free to help others less fortunate in our community deserves respect."

Countryside and green space

Our readers were keen to brag about the abundance of countryside and green space within our local area.

One reader said there is: "Lots of open green spaces for kids to play and to walk around and cycle."

Another said the best thing about the town is: "The amount of parks and green spaces.

"I was so thankful for these in the lockdowns when we could only exercise locally."

There is a lot to do in the town

From sporting venues to shopping centres, we have a variety of entertainment available locally to us that many take for granted.

One reader said there are: "Plenty of nice cafes [and] good shops," while another added the fact that there is a: "Good cinema. [A] few nice pubs. It's a very green town too. Go to somewhere like Slough and you'll appreciate Basingstoke."

Another reader said: "The Anvil, and fellow musicians I have met in this area."

The 'Stoke

How can you not be proud of our treble-winning football team? Basingstoke Town Community Football Club has had its struggles in recent years, but looks to be on the rise once again.

One reader said: "[We have] a great football team to support."

The people

Many readers were kind enough to mention the friendly nature of the people of the town.

One said: "Best thing here is the nice people."

Another added: "There's a lot good in Basingstoke, a lot of good people."

A different reader said: "[I] grew up in the area of Popley - great atmosphere, great people - a loving community."

What makes you proud to live in Basingstoke?

Let us know in the comments.