On Wednesday, 15th November, from about 1pm, I was trying to find my way to Brookvale Community Centre. My satnav was uncooperative, taking me round and round the area - everywhere but there. I asked at least six groups of people passing by: not one knew where the centre was, although I was sure I was close – around the Essex Road and BCoT vicinity. One young man, who said he was born in the neighbourhood, did not even recognise the name, Brookvale; he said he only knew it as ‘town’.

I was getting anxious as I did not want to be late for my first Tai Chi class at 2pm. When I stopped to ask yet another group of pedestrians, a small dark blue car (a Kia Picanto?) pulled up alongside and an Indian-looking gentleman said ‘follow me’. I imagined he must also be heading to the Tai Chi class, so did not think to note his car model or registration number. He led me directly to the centre but pulled up in the street alongside the building. I drove in and parked in the disabled bay.

Sadly, before I could get out of my car, organise my walking aids and get over to thank him, he had disappeared. I hope he – or someone who recognises this account – will see this and give him my heartfelt thanks.

It restored my faith in humanity that someone should take the trouble and offer so kindly to get me to my destination. I arrived just in time for the class which I anticipate will help my mobility. Many thanks to the very kind, thoughtful gentleman.

Mrs D Collard


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