TOYS and equipment for a playgroup in Popley, new chairs for a community centre in Brookvale and safety fencing for a cricket club in Stratfield Turgis are just some of the initiatives already funded through this year’s Councillor Community Grant Scheme.

Now in its third year, the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council grant scheme gives each councillor an allocation of £2,000 to support organisations to help deliver local initiatives that make a difference to people’s lives and bring communities together.

Grants of between £250 and £2,000 can be awarded. Borough councillors can also pool funding with one or two other councillors in the borough to provide grants up to a maximum of £3,000.

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The scheme launched this year in May, with grants already being handed out to a number of schemes and causes.

These include money to fund a defibrillator at the Roger Morris Community Centre, emergency roof repairs on a community centre in Ecchinswell, and arts, craft and sensory equipment for a new group in Brighton Hill offering support to children with autism and their families.

The scheme closes on Friday, March 1, 2024, and groups are encouraged to apply to their ward councillors quickly before the money is allocated.

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Cabinet member for communities, partnerships and inclusion, Cllr John McKay, said: “Our communities and the activities that take place within them are something to be very proud of.

“This grant scheme gives our councillors, who work at the heart of our communities, the chance to support them with funding for projects and activities which could make a big difference to our residents’ lives.

“I encourage groups and organisations to get in touch with their ward councillors to talk through their ideas and initiatives.”

More information on the grant scheme and how to apply can be found at