I am totally against all fireworks which make a bang. I have seen many traumatised domestic animals (shaking, looking for somewhere to hide) and I am also concerned also for any war veterans (suffering PTSD).

When I was young (in the 1960s) the only fireworks you could buy which made a noise were ‘bangers’ - that’s all they did, bang and that was the end of it.  In the 1960s fireworks were only allowed to be set off on 5th November, (to my knowledge). Nowadays the law is that they can be let off any day of the year/ any time between 7am-11pm  and up 7am-1am on specified dates.

I have previously written to Maria Miller MP in November 2022 and the response contained this: “...I understand that during the 2021 fireworks season, the Government worked with animal welfare groups to promote the safe and considerate use of fireworks.”

Why don’t they ‘promote’ the use of silent/quiet fireworks? Why aren’t they even interested in considering a ban on noisy fireworks and only allowing the sale of silent/quiet fireworks - there is a 120db noise limit for fireworks sold in this country (and that’s loud to be startling inside a house with double glazing)?

Can someone give me one good reason for the need to have fireworks which make excessive noise?

Trevor Rose

South Ham Road


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