DOZENS of spotty cars are expected to descend on Basingstoke to honour an "inspirational and kind" BBC Children in Need fundraiser and driving instructor who died suddenly.

Louise Walsh was the driving force behind the nationwide Big Learner Relay, which has raised over £600,000 for the BBC charity in the past decade.

In 2013 she came up with a plan to relay a driving instructor’s top box around the UK, passing it from lesson to lesson to cover a distance of around 3,000 miles.

This year was set to be the 10th and final event, however, Louise tragically died of a brain haemorrhage on Thursday, August 24, at the age of 50.

READ MORE: Children in Need: Basingstoke instructor taking part in relay

Basingstoke Gazette: Louise WalshBasingstoke driving instructor and Stagecoach bus driver Michelle Rosen, 57, is organising an event in the town in her memory on Saturday, November 11at the bus station.

She said: "This year the relay has been cancelled due to the shocking sudden passing of Louise. Her family felt they couldn’t do the relay without her. We were still encouraged to go spotty and do fundraising things in our areas and raise as much as we can.

"She was the most inspirational woman you could come across. Her kindness had no end and she was the best instructor in the world. If you had an issue you go to her and she would help you no matter how big or small an issue. This year's event is all about her.

SEE ALSO: Children in Need: Basingstoke instructors raise thousands

"This year in Basingstoke a bus will be covered in spots for people to sign and donate. We will also be selling cakes and cookies to raise more money."

The bus will be at the bus station from 10am until 2.30pm before it will be joined by more spotty learner cars that will travel from Southampton, Winchester and Andover.

The convoy will then travel to its end destination at Alton community centre.