Bell ringers of the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan are getting ready for a historic event as they will be ringing in celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III.

New ringers who have volunteered to learn the skills of tower bell ringing have been training for months, aiming to be ready to take part in special performances for Coronation events.

Special ‘Fit to Ring for the King’ practices have been held at various locations for ringers who have been recruited in recent months.

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Across the region, there are many planned ringing performances, including in Basingstoke, Bishopstoke, Liss, Newnham, Portsmouth Cathedral, Twyford, and Winchester Cathedral. These performances include ‘full peal’ (several hours) ringing, as well as shorter morning and afternoon ringing events.

At Liss village in east Hampshire, the band of ringers have recently welcomed a family of three generations, with Kathy and her two young daughters learning to ring alongside their grandad, Graham, who returned to bell ringing after many years away.

They will be joined by all the local ringers, including Katie and her young daughter, Edith, who took up bell ringing in March as a direct result of the ‘Ring for the King’ national recruitment initiative.

Rachael Barber, master of the Guild of church bell ringers, said: “Across the Guild, hundreds of volunteers have answered the call to learn this intriguing and quintessentially English activity, with the aim that all the bells in England will ring out to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.

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"This plan would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and immense commitment of our ringing teachers who have worked tirelessly over the past six months to train all those stepping forward to learn.

“We have greatly appreciated the support from the local clergy and Parochial Church Councils who have made extra training sessions possible, allowing the new ringers the practice they need to be ready in time.”

This wonderful activity is open to those of all faiths and none, with free training available and many benefits to enjoy.

For more information about traditional change ringing, using either tower bells or hand bells, please contact Viv Nobbs on 01983 530920 and 07594 609 366 or by email

Following are some of the ringing performances planned across the region:

1. Basingstoke, All Saints, RG21 3EA

Time: May 6, starting at 9.45am; May 7, ‘full peal’ (several hours) starting 2pm.

2. Bishopstoke, St. Mary SO50 6BN

Time: May 6, afternoon ringing; May 7 ‘full peal’ (several hours)

3. Liss, St Mary GU33 7AQ

Time: May 6, morning ringing

4. Newnham St Nicholas RG27 9AN     

Time: May 8, ‘full peal’ (several hours) morning

5. Portsmouth Cathedral PO1 2HA

Time: May 6, 10.15-11am

6. Twyford, St Mary SO21 1NS

Time: May 5, ‘full peal’ (several hours)

7. Winchester Cathedral SO23 9LS

Time: May 6, starting at 2.30pm